Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hello kittens!

   I have had the supreme honor of reviewing PERMANENT OBSCURITY: Or a Cautionary Tale of Two Girls and Their Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography and Death by Dolores Santana (as told to Richard Perez). I have to say I truly enjoyed this book. I found myself so wrapped up in Dolores that she felt like a friend. There were times I wanted to throttle her, and times when I felt her pain and frustration so raw that I wanted to take her in my arms and hold her. The book chronicles Dolores and Serena as they go about their lives in a drug induced haze, constantly trying to stay afloat under a mass of doubt and rejection. They are both victimized in different ways. I don't want to spoil it, but have to say they have a money making plan that of course does not go according to plan. This is a great read to keep you enthralled and engaged. Join them and feel what it is like to live as an artist who has so much to give, but noone to give it to.
    Thank you to Richard Perez for allowing me to meet these wonderful characters, and trusting me with this story.


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